The FeedbackDetailArray.FeedbackDetail container contains the still-active individual feedback entries other users have left for the user. Each element in this array is represented by a FeedbackDetailType object.

FeedbackDetailItemTotal indicates the number of individual feedback detail entries that are returned in FeedbackDetailArray.FeedbackDetail for the current call. For example, an application might display the feedback detail entries in a scrollable user interface control (e.g., a data grid,) where the end-user can view them. Or, it might only use them to programmatically calculate values or aggregate the data in an organization different from the feedback summary returned by GetFeedback.

Data returned in one FeedbackDetailArray.FeedbackDetail object include information submitted using LeaveFeedback or from the marketplace.

Additionally, the FeedbackDetailArray.FeedbackDetail object includes the FeedbackDetailArray.FeedbackDetail.CommentReplaced field which indicates if eBay has replaced the text of a feedback comment, response, or follow-up.

Refer to Leave Feedback for additional information about leaving feedback.