After a successful GetFeedback call, FeedbackSummary returns the summary feedback data for the specified user, including:

The Count property of each FeedbackPeriodType object (e.g., FeedbackSummary.PositiveFeedbackPeriodArray.FeedbackPeriod.Count,) contains the number of feedbacks received in the corresponding period specified (e.g., FeedbackSummary.PositiveFeedbackPeriodArray.FeedbackPeriod. This is then repeated 3-4 times (once for each time period) for most feedback categories.

The feedback counts received during each of the time periods are for informational purposes only. These counts themselves cannot be used to calculate the user's total feedback score. This is because the counts in each period for a given feedback category are incrementally more inclusive. For example:

  • A user has received 1 positive feedback in the past 30 days.
  • The same user has also received 1 positive feedback in the past 31-180 days.

The positive feedback counts for this user would therefore be 1 for the 30-day period and 2 for the 180-day period since the positive feedback from the first 30 days is also included in the total for the 180-day period.

Calculate total feedback score

A user's total feedback score is calculated as follows: FeedbackSummary.UniquePositiveFeedbackCountFeedbackSummary.UniqueNegativeFeedbackCount

eBay automatically performs this calculation and returns the user's total feedback score in the FeedbackScore field.