To determine which categories on the UK marketplace support the Global Shipping Programme (GSP), call GetCategoryFeatures and pass in the following:

  • In the HTTP header, pass in X-EBAY-API-SITEID = 2
  • Set the value of FeatureID to GlobalShippingEnabled

In the call response payload, Category.GlobalShippingEnabled will be true for those categories for which the Global Shipping Programme is available.

Important! The Global Shipping Programme is available only on the UK marketplace.

To determine if a specific category is eligible for the Global Shipping Program, call GetCategoryFeatures and pass in the specific CategoryID. If the returned value of Category.GlobalShippingEnabled is true, the category is eligible for the Global Shipping Program.

To determine if the current user has opted in to the Global Shipping Program, call GetUserPreferences and set ShowGlobalShippingProgramPreference to true. If the returned value of OfferGlobalShippingProgramPreference is true, the user has opted in to the Global Shipping Program

To specify that the current user's new listings will enable the Global Shipping Programme by default, call SetUserPreferences setting GlobalShippingProgramListingPreference to true. To determine the current state of this option, call GetUserPreferences with ShowGlobalShippingProgramListingPreference set to true. If the returned value of GlobalShippingProgramListingPreference is true the Global Shipping Programme is enabled by default for new listings.

To indicate that a seller can offer an international shipping service to a particular country for a GSP-eligible listing, call SetUserPreferences and set OverrideGSPserviceWithIntlService to true. For any GSP-eligible listing, the seller-specified service will take precedence and be the listing's default international shipping option for buyers in that country, rather than the Global Shipping Program. The Global Shipping Programme will still be the listing's default option for shipping to any GSP-eligible country for which the seller does not specify an international shipping service. To determine the current state of this option, call GetUserPreferences setting ShowOverrideGSPServiceWithIntlServicePreference to true. If the returned value of OverrideGSPServiceWithIntlServicePreference is true it indicates that this option is enabled.