Several Trading API calls provide information about a seller's activity involving the Global Shipping Program. Following are the relevant fields returned:


This call returns information about the current status of items that the seller has listed or sold under the Global Shipping Program.

  • ShippingDetails.GlobalShipping indicates whether an item was listed with the Global Shipping Programme as an international shipping option. This field is returned under the ActiveList, BidList, DeletedFromSoldList, DeletedFromUnsoldList, ScheduledList, SoldList and UnsoldList containers.
  • Buyer.BuyerInfo.ShippingAddress.PostalCode contains the postal code of the item's buyer. This field is returned in two locations under the DeletedFromSoldList container and in two locations under the SoldList container.
  • Transaction.IsMultiLegShipping indicates whether an item was shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This field is returned in two locations under the DeletedFromSoldList container and in one location under the SoldList container.
  • ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingServiceCost contains the cost of the domestic leg (to the international shipping provider's warehouse) of the item shipment. This field is returned in two locations under the DeletedFromSoldList container and in two locations under the SoldList container.
  • For orders awaiting payment, TotalPrice contains the purchase price of the items; for paid orders, TotalPrice contains the purchase price of the items plus the cost of domestic shipping to the international shipping provider's warehouse. Under SoldList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction, this amount appears:
    • in Transaction.TotalPrice for single-transaction orders, or
    • in Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.TotalPrice for multiple-transaction orders.

For more information about these fields, refer to the GetMyeBaySelling reference documentation.


This call returns information about items that the seller has listed under the Global Shipping Program.

  • ShippingDetails.GlobalShipping indicates whether an item was listed with the Global Shipping Programme as an international shipping option.
  • SellingStatus.HighBidder.BuyerInfo.ShippingAddress contains the Country and PostalCode of the item's buyer.

For more information about these fields, refer to the GetSellerList reference documentation.