Buy online, pickup in store (BOPIS) allows eligible large retail sellers to sell products through eBay fixed-price listings and have buyers pick up their items in a physical store. This benefits both sellers and buyers by allowing them to save on shipping costs and buyers are able to receive their items quicker than traditional shipping options.

Using the REST-based Inventory API large retail sellers can associate physical stores with their account, add product inventory to their stores, and then offer the In-Store Pickup option to buyers. For complete information refer to the list of Inventory API Resources.

Important! Sellers must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature in order to list items that are available for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail sellers, and can only be applied to multiple quantity, fixed-price listings.

Enable an item for in-store pickup

Before listing a product that is available for In-store Pickup, eligible sellers must already have inventory for the product at one or more physical stores tied to their seller's account.

Note: Stores and their associated inventory are managed through the REST-based Inventory API.

To include the In-Store Pickup option for a product listing, issue an AddFixedPriceItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, or RelistFixedPriceItem call with the following configuration settings:

When an item with In-Store Pickup feature enabled has been successfully listed, prospective buyers within a reasonable distance a seller's store that has available stock will see the Available for In-Store Pickup option on the listing as well as information about the closest store that has the item.

To determine if a listed item is eligible for In-Store Pickup, call GetItem or GetSellerList. In the response payload, if the value returned for Item.PickupInStoreDetails.EligibleForPickupInStore is true then the item is eligible for In-Store Pickup by a buyer.

Retrieve in-store pickup orders

Information about In-Store Pickup orders may be retrieved at either the order level or the line item level.

GetMyeBayBuying also returns information about items that are eligible for In-Store Pickup in the following containers:

PickupDetails Container

The associated OrderArray.Order.PickupDetails container includes one or more In-Store Pickup options. Currently, the two supported OrderArray.Order.PickupDetails.PickupOptions.PickupMethod values are:

  • InStorePickup
  • PickUpDropOff

PickupMethodSelected container

The OrderArray.Order.PickupMethodSelected container includes the following fields:


If the buyer elects to return the item to the store, the OrderArray.Order.MonetaryDetails.Refunds.Refund container returned in order management calls will provide information about this refund.

Click & Collect

Click & Collect is an option similar to In-Store Pickup that buyers on the United Kingdom (GB), German (DE), and Australian (AU) marketplaces have to pick up items from their choice of eBay Collection Points.

For additional information, including conditions under which Click & Collect may be offered, refer to: