A user can define shipping discount profiles on the eBay marketplace using the SetShippingDiscountProfiles call. Once a user has defined profiles, the user can assign one or more to listings. Refer to Assign a profile for additional information.

When creating profiles via SetShippingDiscountProfiles, the user always identifies the underlying discount rule by name. If it is a variable rule, the user can create as many profiles at the same time via SetShippingDiscountProfiles as he wishes, provided they are all based on the same rule. The user must set the value of whatever field corresponds to the choice of variable rule. For example, if the user selected WeightOff as the rule for a new calculated shipping cost discount profile, the user would also need to set the number of ounces in DiscountProfile.WeightOff.

The SetShippingDiscountProfiles call includes the following fields:

These fields are not used when a user creates a profile but only when modifying or deleting a profile. eBay assigns a unique ID to every new profile. You can get the IDs for a user's profiles by calling GetShippingDiscountProfiles.

The user can create, at most, one profile based on a fixed rule provided the user has first deleted all profiles for that profile area that are based on a variable rule.

If this is the first and only profile the user is creating for a particular profile area by issuing a SetShippingDiscountProfiles call, the user cannot assign a name to the profile.

At least one profile must exist for that profile area for the user to be able to assign unique names to subsequent profiles in that profile area. The name that the user assigns to a profile is completely up to the user.

To "rename" the first "nameless" profile after additional profiles have been created, the user must create a new profile whose characteristics match those of the first profile plus include a name, and then the user must delete the original profile.

Important! A packaging/handling profile must be created if a calculated shipping cost discount profile is to be created. Either the user must define it before creating any calculated shipping cost discount profile, or the user must define it at the same time the first calculated shipping cost discount profile is created.

Assign a profile

Once shipping cost discount profiles have been defined, a seller can assign them to listings, and relisted and revised listings. If a listing offers flat rate shipping services, the seller can assign, at most, one flat rate shipping cost discount profile. Similarly, a seller can assign one calculated shipping cost discount profile to a listing that offers calculate shipping. Regardless of whether any flat rate or calculated shipping cost discount profile has been assigned to the listing, the seller can apply the promotional shipping cost discount, if such has been defined. The seller can also assign a packaging/handling cost discount profile.

In order to assign a shipping cost discount profile, the seller must have the ID of the profile. You can get the names and IDs of available shipping cost discount profiles with GetShippingDiscountProfiles, a call that returns details about the shipping cost discount profiles defined by the user.

When listing, relisting, or revising a listing, set the appropriate ShippingDetails members:

  • ShippingDiscountProfileID: the ID of the shipping discount to offer for the domestic shipping services

    The shipping discount is either of type FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount.

  • InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID: the ID of the shipping discount to offer for the international shipping services

    The shipping discount is either of type FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount.

  • PromotionalShippingDiscount: a boolean signifying that the global promotional discount is to apply to domestic shipping for this listing if it is combined into an order.

    In order for a promotional discount to be applied to an item in an order, the promotional discount must have been in effect when the items was listed, and the item must have been opted into that promotional discount, and the promotional discount must have been in effect when the order line item was created.

  • InternationalPromotionalShippingDiscount: a boolean signifying that the global promotional discount is to apply to international shipping for this listing if it is combined into an order

If the seller sets ShippingDiscountProfileID to a calculated shipping cost discount profile, the current profile for packaging/handling cost discount is applied. There is, therefore, no field in AddItem for identifying the packaging/handling cost discount profile.

Modify a profile

To modify a shipping discount profile, call SetShippingDiscountProfiles with ModifyActionCode set to Update and provide all details for the updated profile.If part of the modification is to change from a variable rule to a fixed rule, you must first delete all profiles based on the variable rule. Refer to Variable and fixed rules for additional information.

Delete a profile

If a listed item has a Shipping Discount Profile defined, you can remove that discount profile in the Relist or Revise item family of calls. To do this, supply the entire shipping container (i.e., ShippingDetails,) and for the ShippingDiscountProfileID or InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID supply the value 0 (zero). This will result in the removal of that shipping discount profile from that item.