Optionally, you can estimate an item's total delivery time and display it in your application. For example, you could display "Estimated delivery: 5 to 7 days" for an item. To do this, you need to know the seller's handling time as well as the estimated shipping (transit) time for the shipping service. GeteBayDetails includes an estimated transit time range for most shipping services, specified by ShippingTimeMin and ShippingTimeMax.

To present a total estimated delivery time to your users, use the following calculations:

  • Low end of delivery time range = DispatchTimeMax + ShippingTimeMin
  • High end of delivery time range = DispatchTimeMax + ShippingTimeMax + buffer

    The buffer can be set by the seller, or it can be determined by your application.

    For example, during the holiday season, the shipping carrier may recommend that you add 1 day as a buffer. (eBay does not provide a recommended buffer.)