Configure shipping costs

Trading API calls that configure shipping costs include:

  • The Add family of calls:
    • AddFixedPriceItem

      This call defines and lists a new fixed-price item.

      This call is also used to create and list multiple-variation listings.

    • AddItem

      This call creates and publishes a new listing on an eBay site.

    • AddItems

      This call creates one to five items and lists them on the specified eBay site.

  • The Revise family of calls:
    • ReviseFixedPriceItem

      This call changes the properties of a currently active fixed-price listing, including a multiple-variation listings.

    • ReviseItem

      This call changes the properties of a currently active listing.

  • The Relist family of calls:
    • RelistFixedPriceItem

      Once a listing has ended, this call relists a single fixed-price or a single multiple-variation listing.

    • RelistItem

      Once it has ended, this call relists a single auction-style item that has ended.

Retrieve shipping costs

Trading API calls that include shipping information (e.g., ShippingDetails.ShippingType,) in their responses, include:

  • GetItem

    Use this call to retrieve shipping costs for an item at any point in the life of the listing. Note, however, that if you use it before the listing ends, information based on final item price cannot be known and will not be returned.

  • GetOrders

    Use this call to retrieve actual shipping costs. Final item price is known and information based on final item price can be established by eBay and returned, and you can determine total cost.

  • GetItemShipping

    This call is analogous to the Shipping Calculator seen in both the buyer and seller-facing pages. It is another way to obtain shipping cost information for an item at any point in the life of a listing for multiple shipping services. It is only for items for which calculated shipping is offered.

    For example, international buyers can use GetItemShipping to retrieve Global Shipping Programme information for a listing. Passing in the DestinationCountryCode and the DestinationPostalCode results in information similar to that shown here:

       <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">40</ShippingServiceCost>
       <ImportCharge currencyID="USD">40</ImportCharge>

    The ShippingServiceCost and ImportCharge fields comprise the total amount the buyer must pay to ship the item. ImportCharge is not returned unless the ShippingService field has the value InternationalPriorityShipping.

  • GetItemTransactions

    This call retrieves details for one or more order line items for a specified eBay listing.

  • GetOrderTransactions

    This call retrieves detailed information about one or more order or order line items.