For sellers enrolled in the Global Shipping Program, their shipping preferences include the option to offer international shipping via the program.

Important! The Global Shipping Programme is available only on the UK marketplace.

The default value for this option is Yes. The InternationalPriorityShippingUK service becomes the default first international shipping option for any new item listings created.

Note: Refer to eBay International Shipping FAQs for information about international shipping programs.

The Global Shipping Programme becomes an option the seller can offer when listing an item. To list an item with the Global Shipping Programme as an international shipping option, use any API listing call that contains the Item.ShippingDetails.GlobalShipping field, and set its value to True. This is the only step needed to configure the international portion of shipping for the item, because the international shipping provider handles the details of that leg. The default Global Shipping Programme service, InternationalPriorityShippingUK, is automatically set for the listing.

The following listing calls include the Item.ShippingDetails.GlobalShipping input field:

To confirm that a listing offers the Global Shipping Program, GetItem returns the ShippingDetails.GlobalShipping field which will be set to true when Global Shipping is offered.

Note: The listed item must meet the Global Shipping Programme eligibility requirements. Refer to Eligibility for additional information.

When a seller uses Item.ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption.ShippingService to specify up to four additional international shipping options for the same listing, Global Shipping automatically takes precedence, and International Priority Shipping will be the sole international shipping service offered to any Global Shipping-eligible buyer who views that listing.

However, if the buyer or the item is determined by eBay or the international shipping provider to be ineligible for the Global Shipping Program, the other international shipping options will automatically be offered for the listing instead.

Sellers must also configure shipping settings for the domestic leg of the shipment. All normal domestic shipping settings are available for that leg, and sellers can use the same techniques to configure those settings as for any listing with domestic shipping.